Marlon Pollock

Serving the Toronto area and more!

Photography has changed the way I see the world around me and has become a large part of my life, sometimes bordering on an obsession! It is a rarity for me to not have my camera close at hand, in case something fascinating presents itself. There are so many beautiful and interesting things in the world (both natural and man-made), the opportunity to transform these ordinary things into something extraordinary fills me with joy. I hope you also find joy and beauty in my work and my perspective on the things that surround us every day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will the session take place?

I prefer to make my photographs in the natural environment, so most of the sessions take place in a park or in the client’s backyard.

Can I have 2 dogs or more photographed in a session?

Yes a session can be done with multiple pets, the session time and number of images can be increased for an additional fee of $50 per hour per pet.

Do you only photograph dogs and cats?

Most of the work that I do is of dogs and cats, but i am willing and able to do sessions for most pets.

To Book an Appointment for a Photography Session

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